Dayton Historical Society held its August gathering Monday, the 30th, at Parker Hall, with President Danny Bode calling the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Following the prayer given by Johnny Miller and the pledges led by Cathy Harbour, several reports were given by Mary Ellen Conner, Cynthia Miller, and Caroline Wadzeck.
Read moreThe BUILDing Excellence Committee at Dayton High School hosted the first annual painted parking spots for seniors. The event took place on Saturday, August 14, 2021....
Read moreMeet Jordan Skinner!!
Read moreWhat started out as dinner talk about their niece and her having to pay for classroom supplies from her own pocket...
Read moreParents, teachers, and students in Devers ISD should be delighted to know that they are attending the fifth-ranked school system in the state of Texas, according to the website SchoolDigger. com and their 2021 rankings. They take the number five spot out of 963 school districts across Texas.
Read moreThe City of Cleveland approved an engineer for the Train Depot project that will see the existing structure moved from its current site behind Austin Bank off E. Houston and Matheny Street to Peach Avenue between the Cleveland Civic Center and Senior Center. Pictured is a proposed rendering of the finished project.
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