If you live in Texas, then you understand that we have not seen rain in many months.
As I was walking into the church to preach, my niece, Kristi, greeted me with a hug. Then with a smile she said, “Uncle Danny, because I love you, you missed a loop with your belt.”
Read moreAs a small child, I can remember my mother carrying me to the church on many occasions to work on some event or fundraiser we had going on that time. Most of my memories are associated with church and church family.
Read moreIn Matthew 15:22-28, we encounter a mother who, as a Canaanite, has no right to ask Jesus for anything.
Read moreIf you are living and breathing, then you understand that this world that we live in is full of turmoil, strife and heaviness. And as children of God we must learn to live in peace with others, ourselves and with God.
Read moreThe Bible tells us of Mary and Martha in Chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke. Mary and Martha, who are sisters, open their home to Jesus as he travels with his disciples. As Martha hurries to ensure the preparations, Mary simply sits at the feet of Jesus and listens to the wisdom of Christ.
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