City of Dayton Mayor Martin Mudd makes his opening statements in honor of Veterans Day.

Marice and Kaci Jones attended the City of Dayton’s Veterans Luncheon

Dayton Noon Lions Club President Susan Giberson sings the national anthem in honor of Veterans Day.

H.D. Jackson and Robert Klemcke enjoy conversation together.

Lynn and Lori Williams celebrate Veteran’s Day.

David and Mary Lindsey attended the City of Dayton’s Veteran Luncheon.

James and Lorraine St. Clair, Richard and Nester Medina, Joyce and Jerry McMillan, and Lee Kriger enjoy time together in honor of Veterans Day.

Faye William, Bobbie Simmen, and Emma Badelm enjoyed an afternoon in honor of Veterans Day.

Maxine and Louis Mosley, John Phillips, and Robert Bomanki gathered for the City of Dayton’s Veteran Luncheon.