LCSO honors its veterans

On Nov. 11, our nation will celebrate what we now know as Veterans Day. A special federal holiday when we honor the veterans who have served in all our past wars. This holiday has its history as far back as 1918, which was when the Armistice was signed between Allied Nations and Germany thus bringing an end to World War 1. Originally known as Armistice Day the name was changed in 1954 to Veterans Day after the second World War and the Korean conflict. Whatever you may call this day it is a day that means freedom, sacrifice and honor for those who served in the military.
At the recent general monthly meeting of the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Bobby Rader saw fit to not only observe this special day but to also call attention to the personnel in his own agency who have served in all branches of the military service over the past years.
Perhaps Sheriff Rader said it best in his own words, “The Liberty County Sheriff’s Office is privileged to have many veterans working to serve the citizens of Liberty County. I appreciate their service to our country and now the service they provide to Liberty County. Veterans Day is a day when everyone can show their respect to those that had a willingness to serve. I would imagine that everyone of us knows at least one veteran that has died in service to our country as well as those that survived.
“Please take time to remember each of them and thank them for their bravery, hard work and dedication to our country. Also, remember their families and loved ones because they made a sacrifice also. I read a statement that read: If you want to thank a soldier, be the kind of American worth fighting for.
“Winston Churchill said, ‘Never was so much owed by so many to so few.’
“God bless all the Veterans and we thank you for your service.”
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