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I want to share something I’ve just been working through, because surely I am not the only one.

Recently, in the midst of putting together worship events, working on several writing projects and songs, and just making decisions on life in general, I felt uninspired and kept hitting dead ends. I determined that, to better hear any communication/ directives from God, I needed to fast and pray.

I reached out to several Godly men in my life and asked if they would pray for me as I undertook this endeavor. I am thankful they happily obliged. As I began to fast and pray, I became a bit confused. I had always thought of fasting as “The not eating thing”... and it is, or can be.

However, I had gotten fairly strict on my dietary habits and not eating did not seem like much of a sacrifice. Then, within just a few hours, the Holy Spirit hit me with this; “You pray and ask questions and/or share concerns, yet when I try to get my guidance through to you, your mind is occupied with radio, TV, etc., and you give Me precious little opportunity to get through to you. Food is not your problem, your mind being constantly preoccupied is.”

Ouch! It was true. My attention, be it with political radio/tv, music (and yes, even Christian music can come between us and hearing that “... still small voice”), social media, sports, reading/ writing, etc., was always elsewhere.

On bike rides and walking, working out, mowing, driving, down time in the evening, sitting outside by the fire, and on and on, I had immersed my mind with diversions galore. My attention was almost always consumed with something. It was as if I was, with great effort though not meaning to, trying to block hearing from God.

I gave Him little to no opportunity to respond and/ or inspire. While God could force His thoughts and will on us, He does not. Just like with salvation itself, He gives us a choice... a free will. We do not have to stop, make time, and purpose to listen to Him, but we lose the benefit of such. I now know better just how unavailable I was to listen to answers I was begging Him for.

I thank God for men that were willing to stop their lives for a few minutes here and there to lift up my concern. Now, I am on a mission to purposefully declutter my mind from many of the encumbrances I have put so firmly in place and consciously make myself available to just listen. Oh boy, in the fast moving 24/7 world we are surrounded by, this is gonna be a challenge!

Russ Hortman