Liberty County has four emergency service districts. Unlike volunteer fire departments, an emergency service district is a governmental entity entrusted with taxpayer money and must follow certain codes when it does business.
Read moreNine employees at a Bastrop County facility that cares for young victims of sex trafficking have been accused of trafficking those same girls, according to the Austin American-Statesman.
Read moreMarch is Texas History Month, and our state’s rich heritage is as much a path forward as a look back. Just ask youngsters taught their unique heritage in fourth and seventh grades or adults who kept those childhood history lessons close to their heart throughout their lives.
Read moreThank you for your generous and continued support of South Liberty County Meals on Wheels.
Read moreA number of statewide races are headed for a May 24 runoff after the votes were tallied in the March 1 primary.
Read moreThe Liberty County Elections Office wishes to thank those that took time out of their busy lives to fulfill their civic duty and vote. Elections are a long and tedious process from start to finish.
Read moreState Comptroller Glenn Hegar began touring a dozen Texas communities this month to get insight from Texans about internet access and to receive input as the state develops its first comprehensive broadband internet plan.
Read moreOn February 24, 1836, William B. Travis penned his letter at the Alamo alerting the recipients that the garrison was surrounded, and the Texan Army was outnumbered by Santa Ana and the Mexican Army. The letter, a passionate plea for aid, would become one of the most well-known letters in American history. He famously signed the letter “Victory or Death.”
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