To say that Cleveland ISD is experiencing growth is just about the biggest understatement in the world, and with that growth comes the necessity for the expansion of school facilities and infrastructure at an alarming pace.
Read moreAfter a lovely Sunday afternoon ramble through North Liberty County, I entered Cleveland hungry, determined to avoid fast foods. When seeking real food in Cleveland, the D and M Diner “Since 1956” is my go-to roadside cafe. Other newer, larger nearby places had just shut down, but the D and M did not disappoint.
Read moreHeaven’s Army of Resources is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and community outreach ministry. Founder LaNora Purvis, with the help of community members and family alike, utilizes the organization to provide struggling women with the tools needed to better their lives and emancipate women from a life of hardships, including domestic violence and sex trafficking.
Read morePrivate libraries are on the verge of becoming non-existent in their communities, which is the case for the Tarkington Community Library.
Read moreBaytown, TX – Lee College will host a free vaccine clinic with Harris County Public Health (HCPH) this Thursday, Aug. 5, from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. at 909 Decker Dr. Proof of citizenship, residence or insurance is not required.
Read moreIt seems like there is just something about a new pair of shoes, we have all experienced that proud new shoe feeling once or twice in our lives, but for some, that new pair of shoes means so much more than just a pair of shoes, it can be the difference in a life altogether. For Diane Mayhew, it has become a calling to help supply those in need with shoes and socks through the Footprints For The Kingdom Ministry program.
Read moreRay Stevens
Read moreJULY 28, 2021 - LIBERTY COUNTY, TX - Liberty County development company Colony Ridge, LLC announced a successful event in partnership with Liberty County Precinct 6 Constable Zach Harkness’ office and Texas AgriLife Passenger Safety KidSafe Initiatives to provide free car seat safety checks and free car seats to residents of the Colony Ridge communities in the area.
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