It has been a long-held truism that many public service organizations could not function adequately without the help and assistance of citizens who volunteers their time, talents and energy in support of an organization be it a public service agency or many private organizations as well. In the coming weeks and months the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office will be spot-lighting these unsung citizen volunteers who donate these qualities to the Sheriff’s Office in different ways to give support assistance to Sheriff Bobby Rader and the personnel of the LCSO without any cost whatsoever to the tax paying public and with little or no public recognition.
Read moreDayton Police Chief Derek Woods pins new police officer Dylan Smith’s badge on at the Monday, April 18 city council meeting. Smith will be working patrol in Dayton. The Vindicator
Read moreThere are far too many headlines of peace officers losing their lives in the line of duty. Those headlines have hit home here in Liberty after Harris County Pct. 7 Deputy Constable Jennifer Chavis lost her life Saturday night in Houston.
Read moreOn Tuesday, it was a full house of local heroes at the Dayton Community Center for the Dayton Chamber of Commerce’s annual luncheon in their honor. This year’s theme was “Real Heroes Don’t Wear Capes, They Wear Badges.”
Read moreAt this month’s Liberty County Sheriff’s General Departmental meeting, Sheriff Bobby Rader presented Deputy Brad Taylor as this month’s Employee of the Month.
Read moreDayton Police Officers Josh Fregia and Pepper Sterner are recognized with Lifesaver Awards for going above and beyond on a recent call. The two officers responded to a call of a man bleeding out, and the duo took swift action to stabilize the man before medical personnel could respond. City officials and Will Carter from Congressman Brian Babin’s office honored them at a recent city council meeting. The Vindicator
Read moreAt Tuesday’s city council meeting Mayor Carl Pickett presented the prestigious Lifesaver Award ...
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