Have you ever felt like you were surrounded by everything and everyone? Maybe felt overwhelmed by everything that is going on in your life? If you have ever felt this way, then I have come to tell you that God is right there with you! Just like shod was with David, He is right there with you.
Read morePsalm 23 reminds us that in life or in death, in times of plenty or want, God is good and worthy of our trust. The psalm uses the metaphor of a shepherd’s care for his sheep to describe the wisdom, strength and kindness of our God. “ The Lord is my Shepherd” implies a profound yet pra c t i c a l working relationship between a person and our creator our Savior.
Read moreA computer programmer told me about the many problems he deals with in the “tech world.” He said more often than not, the problem is not with the computer or the program, but is an operator error. So when asked if he had trouble fixing it he just says, “It was a picnic.”
Read moreHave you ever heard someone say that “ you should never pray for patience”? I have and over the years as I became older I soon realized that you better pray for patience because life will bring you situations that will require you to be very patient. The Bible states many time about being patient and how we need to be slow to anger and turn the other cheek. Our flesh doesn’t always want to do this so that is why we must be vigilant in prayer and fasting to keep our spirit right and our flesh under subjection to the spirit.
Read moreRotarian Dr. Luke Chachere introduced Pastor Guy Williams, of Dayton First Methodist Church who gave an informative program over the tour of the Holy Land. He is organizing a group that will be traveling to the Holy Land next February (2024). The tour will visit major sites, stay in 4-star hotels, enjoy included buffet breakfasts and dinners with knowledgeable guides while traveling in a deluxe motor coach. Williams discussed with the club various places that the group will be traveling and pointed out on a map the various locations they will see. In his presentation, he highlighted Capernaum, which was the base of Jesus’ Galilean ministry, hometown of Peter and other disciples. Capernaum was also the location of biblical teachings, healings, and other miracles. Another interesting location where the group will tour is around the Sea of Tiberius/Galilee, which houses a museum with an ancient Galilee fishing boat that was discovered in 1986 which dates back to the First Century AD. Other highlights of his presentation included: a picture and map of Caesarea Maritima- the imprisonment and trial site of the disciple Paul, the Garden Tomb, the Upper Room Site, the Mount of Olives, Nazareth and the Qumran/Dead Sea Scrolls. Pastor Williams concluded the informative program answering many questions. For more information on the upcoming tour, contact guy@firstmethodistdayton. org.
Read moreWhat is the Easter Story? We say “story” when in fact it is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, three days after he was executed by crucifixion.
Read moreDanny R. Biddy, Chaplain: Chambers County Sheriff ’s Office & Fellowship of Christian Cowboys
Read moreHave you ever felt like you have lost everything? Did you continue to trust God or did you blame God? Many times, when life sends us a curve ball or we are facing difficulties we want to blame God. But that is when we must trust God and know that He is working all things for our good. Even when friends and family tell us to walk away from God we must hold fast to God’s unchanging hand. Job’s w i fe to l d him to curse God and die.
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